Awakening the Holographic Human
A book for physical, spiritual, and emotional healing and higher states of consciousness.
Bio-Scalar Energy-Enhanced Gem Elixirs
A Holographic Field Generator of Love and Healing.
Emerald Elixir: The Light of Mercy
Emerald elixirs transmit as a scalar field of higher ordered intelligence.
Rose Quartz Elixir
Rose Quartz Elixir energetically restores and strengthens the original eternal circuitry of the heart chakra.
Telomeres, DNA Intelligence & Longevity
How fast we age and how long we maintain brilliant health and ageless vitality is in our hands.
Turning Back Your Biological Clock
With the revolutionary breakthroughs of the Human Genome Project, the bio-sciences are charting new territory.
Scalar Energy Regeneration
Scalar waves raise vibrational frequencies and align sub-conscious, conscious, and super-conscious mind.
Transgenerational Clearing
Transmuting Ancestral Lineage and Epigenetic Clearing
The Holographic Heart
The Holographic Heart: Our Central Processing System
Primordial Plant Minerals
Potentized pure plant minerals repair, regenerate, and restore cells. Ideal for people of all ages, animals, and plants.
Primal Stem-Cell Nutrition
One important key to achieving advanced wellness is to provide your body with primal nutrients.
Epigenetic Empowerment to Master Our Genes
Vibrational Energy Healing Therapies are among the most powerful therapies known to us for wellness.